Event Schedule

LA DOMAINE ESEMAR schedules all sorts of events throughout the year, all of which will be listed here by date.

Check back often to view updates.


Now taking reservations for:




cunt with chocolate

Unfortunately, our plans to do the Valentine’s week Chocolate Tasting on Feb 15th didn’t work out. Our Chocolustier, slave beauty, had to request the re-schedule. Those of you who have told me you are coming, oh, I mean attending, will now need to reconfirm reconfirm.


do with chocolate


For those of you who are unfamiliar with our Valentine’s Week Annual Chocolate Tasting, here’s the details. Slave beauty is a renown desert chef and Master of all things chocolate. For the past several years, she has done her remarkable CHOCOLATE LECTURE AND TASTING here at La Domaine. She begins with a slide lecture presentation on how the magic beans are grown, harvested, cured, processed and turned into the world’s best chocolate. Then, slave beauty guides us through the tasting of some of those world’s best and often often gold medal winners. We explore flavors, textures, tempering and just about everything else that is happening in our mouths. It’s quite a remarkable learning experience. Last year’s selection ranged from Massachusetts to Peru, to Madagascar, to Denmark, to Tanzania and other countries. The range of flavors and textures etc is always absolutely amazing. Those of us who have been attending for years have even reached a point where we can compare yearly vintages of the world’s best chocolates! After the tasting is concluded, one very lucky slave gets all the left-over bits and pieces strategically placed on their body, and – do I really need to tell you the rest? Let’s just say:” Yes Dorothy, chocolate really is anaphrodisiac.”




After the afternoon revelry, we take a dinner break, and then guests return to La Domaine for the party at eight in the dungeon. This always seem to be one of the sexiest parties of the year and that is probably because: “Yes Dorothy, chocolate really is an aphrodisiac.”

Tributes for this extravaganza: Tasting $75 an individual, $125 couple. Party $300 an individual, $125 a couple,. Tasting and party $350 an individual, $200 a couple. (Individuals at La D parties get a lot of our attention, – no wall flowers allowed, unless of course the individual is a voyeur!)

Like all our food events in the dungeon, attendance is very limited. To be sure you are on the list, everyone now needs to get in touch with me, even if you have already given a verbal commitment or said you would like to attend. Best way to reserve is to call: 518 375 3387, 10 – 7 est, m – f.



APRIL 25, 26



Night of the Queens is a traveling series of revered underground, international weekends, dedicated to Femocracy. They are presented around the world. This year, in addition to Night of the Queens events in Dubai, Tokyo, Manilla, Bangkok, Paris and Granada, a very special, attendance extremely limited, first of its kind, Night of the Queens Jubilee, will be held right here in upstate NY, (the kink capitol of the world Ha!), at La Domaine.


Spanish Dominatrix Lady Monique de Nemours


This is a very special honor for us. The event will be hosted by the internationally renowned, Spanish Dominatrix Lady Monique de Nemours. She will be joined by several other Domina of international stature. The weekend is open to couples and individuals. Friday there will be both a dinner and a play party. Friday night’s soiree will be intimate, limited to Lady Monique and her traveling fellow presenters, the Guest Dominas, open only to people who are staying at La Domaine and the La D Mistresses, Masters and slaves (We are renting out all the bedrooms for this weekend.) Saturday is open to all who book to attend. To know more, and to book your reservations for the event, go to this link. https://www.nightsofthequeens.com/the-jubilee-of-the-queens-new-york-state.

IMPORTANT: If you wish to stay at La Domaine for the weekend, the La D guest rooms must be booked separately, directly through La D. (518 375 3387, 10 – 7 est, m – f. Best do this asap, one of the rooms is already reserved.)